North China University of Science and Technology
College of life sciences


He presided over more than ten scientific research projects, including five national-level projects : one general project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and one youth fund project, one national key research and development plan-young scientist project, one special fund project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, and one general project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China. There are 4 provincial and ministerial projects : 1 outstanding youth fund project of Hebei Natural Science Foundation, 1 general project and youth project of Hebei Natural Science Foundation, 1 postgraduate demonstration course construction project of Hebei Province ; municipal level 2 : education department youth top talent project 1, tangshan science and technology support plan project 1 ; university level 1 : doctoral research start-up fund project 1. The specific information of the project is as follows :

1. Functional verification of lncRNAs, analysis of ceRNA regulatory network related to heat resistance in Chinese cabbage and omics database platform construction, National Natural Science Foundation project, 2022.01-2025.12, Project leader (In research).
2. Analysis of regulatory network and functional study of heat-tolerant LncRNAs in Chinese cabbage, National Natural Science Foundation project, 2019.01-2021.12, Project leader (Completed).
3.Mechanism analysis of quality traits formation and environmental adaptability of facility vegetables and new germplasm creation, National Key R & D Program-Young Scientist Project, 2023.11-2027.12, sub-project leader ( In research )
4. Analysis of regulatory network and functional study of heat-tolerant LncRNAs in Chinese cabbage, National Natural Science Foundation project, 2019.01-2021.12, Project leader (Completed).
5. In-depth analysis of Ethiopian mustard genome and identification of key genes for temperature stress, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project, 2020.06-2022.05, Project leader (Completed).
6. Genome analysis of Ice plant and establishment of data sharing and analysis platform for vegetable omics, Distinguished Young Scholar of Hebei Natural Science Foundation, 2012/01-2024/12, Project leader (In research).
7. Comparative genome analysis of main Brassica species, platform construction and mining of heat-resistant genes in Ethiopian mustard, Hebei Natural Science Foundation project, 2021.01-2023.12, Project leader (In research).
8. Analysis of the Origin, Evolution and Expression of BES1 Transcription Factor Family in Brassica oleracea, Hebei Natural Science Foundation Project, 2017.01-2019.12, Project leader (Completed).
9.Genomics, Postgraduate Demonstration Course Construction Project of Hebei Province, 2018.11-2021. 03, Project Leader ( Completed )
10. Construction of Genome Map and Evolution of Hsf Gene Family in Brassica napus, Project of Top Young Talents Program of Hebei Province Education Department, 2018.01-2020.12, Project leader (Completed).
11. Evolutionary Analysis of AP2/ERF Gene Family in Brassica napus and Exploitation of Key Cold Tolerance Genes, Tangshan Science and Technology Support Project, 2015.12-2016.12, Project leader (Completed).
12. Construction of genome mapping and evolutionary analysis of AP2/ERF gene family in Brassicaceae, Ph.D. research initiation fund project, 2015.12-2018.12, Project leader (Completed).
13.Solanaceae crop disease resistance gene mining and SSR molecular marker development, Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Germplasm Creation and Utilization ( Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ) Open Fund Project, 2023.08-2024.07, Project Leader ( In research).
14.T2T genome analysis of Scutellaria baicalensis and key gene mining of flavonoid synthesis pathway, Open Fund Project of State Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources with Southwest Characteristics, 2023.09-2025.08, Project Leader ( In research )

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